Them magazine

Sep 23, 2018

MOSES SUMNEY talks on Fashion and collaboration with ECKHAUS LATTA [English]

Photography by Kazuki Iwabuchi



LA based singer song writer Moses Sumney talked on his fashion and runway collaboration with NY based brand Eckhaus Latta.

(This article is extracted from the past interview in Japanese.


Let’s talk about fashion, which is one of the visual elements. What do you usually wear?


I wear all black everyday, everywhere. I only wear black pretty much, it could be some gold too. I just try looks nice. I love fashion as an art form, it is same way of looking pictures and videos. I think you can communicate different things with different media. With fashion, you can say different thing, which I appreciate. I can express another side of myself to someone without explaining who I am. They can just look and get an idea.

At the 2018S/S runway show of NY based brand Eckhaus Latta, you were working on runway music. As “Fashion is one of the art form”, what kind of experience was it as collaboration between art in music and in fashion?


That was amazing. That was my first time going fashion week, and also first time live scoring. Setting of the building score, producing and performing live, it was so emotional. People came up to me after the show, saying “I’m crying!”. Well, you don’t expect crying at the fashion show. Lauryn Hill’s “Ex-Factor”, Cocteau Twins’s “Lorelei”, Donna Summer’s “I Feel Love”.


In that show, it is surprising that you covered “Disco Queen” Donna Summer’s “I Feel Love”. How did the choice of the song played go?


When I was talking to the designer, they wanted disco music at first. Then they gave me a long list of songs, “Can you do any song in the list, and also you can do anything you want”. So I just selected three songs that I love. Lauryn Hill’s “Ex-Factor”, Cocteau Twins’s “Lorelei”, Donna Summer’s “I Feel Love”.

I wanted to do both at one show, the song everyone know like “I Feel Love” and the song no one knows like

“Lorelei” Bringing as my own version for the show. Such an amazing experience.


Moses Sumney will come back to Japan with band set on 10th Oct at WWW X Shibuya.
Don’t miss your ticket!




Edit_Ko Ueoka